4 months ago
I am getting the following error: Cannot unpack the return value of 'is_le'. The return type is not a tuple.
This code was working for Cairo 0.9.1 but is not working any more:
let (is_negative : felt) = is_le(x, -1)
Does anyone know what this issue is about?
ㅤ This question was originally posted on Triality
With the update to Cairo 0.10.0, is_le
now returns a felt not a tuple as it did before.
Previously the signature looked like:
func is_le{range_check_ptr}(a, b) -> (res: felt):
Now it looks like:
func is_le{range_check_ptr}(a, b) -> felt {
with this in mind make sure you do not unpack the result of function that return a felt. You should have your code like:
let is_negative : felt = is_le(x, -1);
ㅤ This answer was originally posted on Triality
4 months ago
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