4 months ago
Hi! I like writing my Cairo code in vim. However, I don't like that Cairo lang code has no auto-format and syntax highlighting (see screenshot):
I'm looking for a plugin to write Cairo contracts on Starknet in vim with all pretty formatting. Can you recommend any and how to install it as well?
4 months ago
Accepted answer
Yes! I wrote a Vim plugin for Cairo, it's fully updated for Cairo v0.10.0 syntax too.
To get the full power of Starknet-Vim I recommend using vim-ale and universal c-tags. If you check out the starknet-vim repository there's a section on how to install these.
1-- Asynchronous linting
2-- Syntax highlighting
3-- Auto-format with <C-y>
4--c-tags to show the file functions according to decorators (storage_vars, events, view, external, etc.)
Here is a small demo of starknet-vim
To change keybinding for auto-format just edit ftplugin/cairo.vim
function! CairoFormat()
silent !clear
silent execute "!cairo-format -i " . bufname('%') | execute ':redraw!'
command! CairoFormat :call CairoFormat()
nnoremap** <C-y> **:call CairoFormat() <CR>
Note: This is a work in progress. I am updating it as i go deeper into the Cairo rabbit hole ;)
Any questions feel free to ask!
4 months ago
Hey, I found one more vim extension for starknet/cairo by 0xAurelou. This plugin supports vim Syntax for cairo v0.10 and hopefully Cairo 1.0 will be supported as well.
The installation instruction
Just copy paste this in your
Be sure you have this lines in your .vimrc
"Add Cairo Support
au BufReadPost *.cairo set filetype=cairo
au Filetype cairo set syntax=cairo
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