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    How to create Structs in Cairo Lang for StarkNet?


    3 months ago




    Hello! This is day 12 of the 17 days of the Cairo Challenge. And I have no idea how to solve the playground exercise “Structs. Perhaps you can help me?

    // In this challenge you're going to implement a stack using a linked list.
    // Add the missing code so that main() runs successfully.
    from starkware.cairo.common.registers import get_fp_and_pc
    struct Node {
        // A pointer to the next node in the stack.
        next: Node*,
        // The value of the node.
        value: felt,
        // The number of elements in the stack.
        size: felt,
    // Returns an empty stack.
    func empty_stack() -> (stack: Node*) {
        local new_node: Node;
        assert = cast(0, Node*);
        assert new_node.value = 0;
        assert new_node.size = 0;
        // The usage of get_fp_and_pc() here is necessary in order
        // to access the address of a local variable (&new_node).
        // You can read more about get_fp_and_pc() [here](
        let (local __fp__, _) = get_fp_and_pc();
        return (stack=&new_node);
    // Adds a node to the top of the stack.
    // Returns the updated stack (since Cairo is immutable, you can still use the
    // old copy of the stack).
    func push(stack: Node*, value: felt) -> (stack: Node*) {
        local new_node: Node;
        // Fix and uncomment below.
        // assert = ...
        // assert new_node.value = ...
        // assert new_node.size = ...
        let (__fp__, _) = get_fp_and_pc();
        return (stack=&new_node);
    // Removes the top element of the stack.
    // Returns the updated stack and the element that was removed.
    func pop(stack: Node*) -> (stack: Node*, value: felt) {
        return (, value=stack.value);
    // Returns the value of the n-th element from the top of the stack.
    func stack_at(stack: Node*, n: felt) -> (value: felt) {
        if (n == 0) {
            // Add your code here.
        // Add your code here.
    func main() -> () {
        // Start with an empty stack.
        let (stack) = empty_stack();
        // Push 1, 10, 100.
        let (stack) = push(stack, 1);
        let (stack) = push(stack, 10);
        let (local stack) = push(stack, 100);
        // Check the size of the stack.
        assert stack.size = 3;
        // Query the stack at indices 0, 1 and 2.
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 0);
        assert value = 100;
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 1);
        assert value = 10;
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 2);
        assert value = 1;
        // Pop the top 2 values (100 and 10) and push 1000.
        let (stack, value) = pop(stack);
        assert value = 100;
        let (stack, value) = pop(stack);
        assert value = 10;
        let (local stack) = push(stack, 1000);
        // Query the stack at indices 0 and 1.
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 0);
        assert value = 1000;
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 1);
        assert value = 1;
        return ();

    Answers to this question are a part of the ✨ 17 days of Cairo Lang with Playground & Newton. ✨

    Vote for your favorite answer - the best answer will win a $10 award. A new day – a new reward! During the next 17 days, our goal is to attract more developers to the Cairo language and to systematize the knowledge of Cairo lang. Read rules




    3 months ago

    3 answers


    Accepted answer

    1. Requirement

    • Define the push function: Adds a node to the top of the stack
    • Define the stack_at function: Returns the value of the n-th element from the top of the stack.

    2. Solution

    • The push function: Create a new Node, is old linked list, increase size by 1. New linked list starts with newly created node.
    • The stack_at function: if n = 0, return value of the first element in list. If n > 0, use recursion with n-1 and pointer to next element.

    3. Souce code

    func push(stack: Node*, value: felt) -> (stack: Node*) {
        local new_node: Node;
        // Fix and uncomment below.
        assert = stack;
        assert new_node.value = value;
        assert new_node.size = stack.size + 1;
        let (__fp__, _) = get_fp_and_pc();
        return (stack=&new_node);
    func stack_at(stack: Node*, n: felt) -> (value: felt) {
        if (n == 0) {
            return (value = stack.value);
        return stack_at(, n - 1);


    3 months ago


    My answer to the challenge

    // Add the missing code so that main() runs successfully.
    from starkware.cairo.common.registers import get_fp_and_pc
    struct Node {
        // A pointer to the next node in the stack.
        next: Node*,
        // The value of the node.
        value: felt,
        // The number of elements in the stack.
        size: felt,
    // Returns an empty stack.
    func empty_stack() -> (stack: Node*) {
        local new_node: Node;
        assert = cast(0, Node*);
        assert new_node.value = 0;
        assert new_node.size = 0;
        // The usage of get_fp_and_pc() here is necessary in order
        // to access the address of a local variable (&new_node).
        // You can read more about get_fp_and_pc() [here](
        let (local __fp__, _) = get_fp_and_pc();
        return (stack=&new_node);
    // Adds a node to the top of the stack.
    // Returns the updated stack (since Cairo is immutable, you can still use the
    // old copy of the stack).
    func push(stack: Node*, value: felt) -> (stack: Node*) {
        local new_node: Node;
        // Fix and uncomment below.
        assert = stack;
        assert new_node.value = value;
        assert new_node.size = stack.size +1;
        let (__fp__, _) = get_fp_and_pc();
        return (stack=&new_node);
    // Removes the top element of the stack.
    // Returns the updated stack and the element that was removed.
    func pop(stack: Node*) -> (stack: Node*, value: felt) {
        return (, value=stack.value);
    // Returns the value of the n-th element from the top of the stack.
    func stack_at(stack: Node*, n: felt) -> (value: felt) {
        if (n == 0) {
            return (value = stack.value);
        // Add your code here.
        let (local val) = stack_at(, n=n - 1);
        return (value=val);
    func main() -> () {
        // Start with an empty stack.
        let (stack) = empty_stack();
        // Push 1, 10, 100.
        let (stack) = push(stack, 1);
        let (stack) = push(stack, 10);
        let (local stack) = push(stack, 100);
        // Check the size of the stack.
        assert stack.size = 3;
        // Query the stack at indices 0, 1 and 2.
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 0);
        assert value = 100;
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 1);
        assert value = 10;
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 2);
        assert value = 1;
        // Pop the top 2 values (100 and 10) and push 1000.
        let (stack, value) = pop(stack);
        assert value = 100;
        let (stack, value) = pop(stack);
        assert value = 10;
        let (local stack) = push(stack, 1000);
        // Query the stack at indices 0 and 1.
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 0);
        assert value = 1000;
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 1);
        assert value = 1;
        return ();


    3 months ago



    // In this challenge you're going to implement a stack using a linked list.
    // Add the missing code so that main() runs successfully.
    from starkware.cairo.common.registers import get_fp_and_pc
    struct Node {
        // A pointer to the next node in the stack.
        next: Node*,
        // The value of the node.
        value: felt,
        // The number of elements in the stack.
        size: felt,
    // Returns an empty stack.
    func empty_stack() -> (stack: Node*) {
        local new_node: Node;
        assert = cast(0, Node*);
        assert new_node.value = 0;
        assert new_node.size = 0;
        // The usage of get_fp_and_pc() here is necessary in order
        // to access the address of a local variable (&new_node).
        // You can read more about get_fp_and_pc() [here](
        let (local __fp__, _) = get_fp_and_pc();
        return (stack=&new_node);
    // Adds a node to the top of the stack.
    // Returns the updated stack (since Cairo is immutable, you can still use the
    // old copy of the stack).
    func push(stack: Node*, value: felt) -> (stack: Node*) {
        local new_node: Node;
        assert = stack;
        assert new_node.value = value;
        assert new_node.size = stack.size+1;
        let (__fp__, _) = get_fp_and_pc();
        return (stack=&new_node);
    // Removes the top element of the stack.
    // Returns the updated stack and the element that was removed.
    func pop(stack: Node*) -> (stack: Node*, value: felt) {
        return (, value=stack.value);
    // Returns the value of the n-th element from the top of the stack.
    func stack_at(stack: Node*, n: felt) -> (value: felt) {
        if (n == 0) {
            return (value=stack.value);
        let (local val) = stack_at(, n=n - 1);
        return (value=val);
    func main() -> () {
        // Start with an empty stack.
        let (stack) = empty_stack();
        // Push 1, 10, 100.
        let (stack) = push(stack, 1);
        let (stack) = push(stack, 10);
        let (local stack) = push(stack, 100);
        // Check the size of the stack.
        assert stack.size = 3;
        // Query the stack at indices 0, 1 and 2.
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 0);
        assert value = 100;
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 1);
        assert value = 10;
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 2);
        assert value = 1;
        // Pop the top 2 values (100 and 10) and push 1000.
        let (stack, value) = pop(stack);
        assert value = 100;
        let (stack, value) = pop(stack);
        assert value = 10;
        let (local stack) = push(stack, 1000);
        // Query the stack at indices 0 and 1.
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 0);
        assert value = 1000;
        let (value) = stack_at(stack, 1);
        assert value = 1;
        return ();

    Ishita Rastogi


    3 months ago

    Your answer