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    How to make Bitwise operations in Cairo Lang using %builtins bitwise, bitwise_xor?


    3 months ago




    Hello! This is day 10 of the 17 days of the Cairo Challenge. And I have no idea how to solve the playground exercise “Bitwise operations”. Perhaps you can help me?

    // The bitwise builtin allows you to perform bitwise operations
    // (and, or, xor) on integers up to 251 bits.
    // The following code implements the function xor_last_hex_digits,
    // which takes the two last hexadecimal digits and "xor"s them.
    // For example, in 0x1234 the last two digits are 3 and 4,
    // and their xor is 3^4=7.
    // Fix the missing code and make sure it works.
    %builtins bitwise
    from starkware.cairo.common.bitwise import bitwise_and, bitwise_xor
    from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import BitwiseBuiltin
    // Returns the xor of the last two hexadecimal digits.
    func xor_last_hex_digits{bitwise_ptr: BitwiseBuiltin*}(x: felt) -> (res: felt) {
        // Fix and uncomment the line below.
        // let (digit0) = ...
        let (shifted_digit1) = bitwise_and(x, 0xF0);
        tempvar digit1 = shifted_digit1 / 0x10;
        return bitwise_xor(digit0, digit1);
    func main{bitwise_ptr: BitwiseBuiltin*}() {
        let (res) = xor_last_hex_digits(0x1234);
        assert res = 7;
        return ();

    Answers to this question are a part of the ✨ 17 days of Cairo Lang with Playground & Newton. ✨

    Vote for your favorite answer - the best answer will win a $10 award. A new day – a new reward! During the next 17 days, our goal is to attract more developers to the Cairo language and to systematize the knowledge of Cairo lang. Read rules




    3 months ago

    1 answers


    Accepted answer

    1. Requirement

    Calculate xor of the last two hexadecimal digits.

    For example: 0x1234 -> 3 xor 4.

    2. Solution

    • Calculate the last digit(digit0): and our number with 0xF. To make it easy to understand, 0xF is 0b1111, if I and 0b1111 with a number, I will have its last 4 bits, equivalent to its last digit in hexadecimal format. We have to define the code to calculate digit0.

    • Calculate the next-to-last digit(digit1): and our number with 0xF0 to remove all digits except digit1. For example: 0x1234 and 0xF0 = 0x30. Then divide result by 0x10 to remove last 0 digit. In this excercise, the code to calculate digit1 is already available.

    • Use the bitwise_xor function to xor digit0 and digit1.

    3. Source code

    func xor_last_hex_digits{bitwise_ptr: BitwiseBuiltin*}(x: felt) -> (res:felt) {
        // Fix and uncomment the line below.
        let (digit0) = bitwise_and(x, 0xF);   
        let (shifted_digit1) = bitwise_and(x, 0xF0);
        tempvar digit1 = shifted_digit1 / 0x10;
        let (res) = bitwise_xor(digit0, digit1);
        return (res = res);


    I receive error:

    Error: code:24:5: Cannot convert the return type of bitwise_xor to the return type of xor_last_hex_digits.
        return bitwise_xor(digit0, digit1);

    So instead of

    return bitwise_xor(digit0, digit1);

    I use () to get felt datatype and return result.

    let (res) = bitwise_xor(digit0, digit1);
    return (res = res);


    3 months ago

    Your answer