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    How do you optimize gas in Cairo with Uint256/felt?


    3 months ago




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    Hey, I’m learning Cairo and I want to know more about Gas Optimization. In Solidity compiler, there is a difference between writing uint128 and uint256. Similarly to C and other languages, for example:

    contract ThisIsNotAnOptimizedContract{ uint128 Zero; uint256 One; uint128 Two; } contract ThisIsAGasOptimizedContract{ uint128 Zero; uint128 Two; uint256 One; }

    uint128 variables each occupy a separate uint256just for themselves, wasting 128 bits for each slot (Like the first contract). The Solidity compiler puts 2 uint128 in the one 256-bit memory slot when they are declared next to each other.

    I’m curious if there is any similar issue in Cairo. Uint256 uses two felt objects for low/high bits of the value.

    struct Uint256 { // The low 128 bits of the value. low: felt, // The high 128 bits of the value. high: felt, }

    Is there any similar practice in Cairo to optimize felt and Uint256 objects to save some compiler steps?




    3 months ago

    1 answers


    Accepted answer

    No there is no similar issue with Cairo.

    The idea is that memory is a map that associates an address with a value.

    We mainly use Uint256 for composability purposes (using ERC20/ERC721). But as a felt is a 251 bits number and a native type of cairo, I prefer to use it in almost all situations.

    Here is an article to help you understand, felt and Uint256 in cairo.



    2 months ago

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