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    How can I connect a StarkNet account using starknetjs?


    23 days ago




    How can I connect a predeployed StarkNet account in Starknet-devnet using starknetjs. Is there any difference with connect an existing account (in any network)?




    23 days ago

    1 answers


    Accepted answer

    🔌 Connect an existing account :

    Once your provider is initialized, you can connect an existing account. You need 2 data :

    • the address of the account
    • the private key of this account
    import { Account, ec, Provider } from "starknet";

    Connect a predeployed account in Starknet-devnet :

    When you launch starknet-devnet, 10 accounts are predeployed with 100 dummy ETH in each. Addresses and private keys are displayed on the console at initialization. These data will change at each launch ; to freeze them, launch with : starknet-devnet --seed 0. The result for account #0 :

    Address: 0x7e00d496e324876bbc8531f2d9a82bf154d1a04a50218ee74cdd372f75a551a Public key: 0x7e52885445756b313ea16849145363ccb73fb4ab0440dbac333cf9d13de82b9 Private key: 0xe3e70682c2094cac629f6fbed82c07cd

    Then you can use this code :

    // initialize provider const provider = new Provider({ sequencer: { baseUrl:"<>" } }); // initialize existing predeployed account 0 of Devnet const privateKey = "0xe3e70682c2094cac629f6fbed82c07cd"; const starkKeyPair = ec.getKeyPair(privateKey); const accountAddress = "0x7e00d496e324876bbc8531f2d9a82bf154d1a04a50218ee74cdd372f75a551a"; const account = new Account(provider, accountAddress, starkKeyPair);

    Your account is now connected, and you can use it.

    đź‘› Connect an existing account (in any network) :

    The code is exactly the same, you have just :

    • to connect to the appropriate network.
    • to use the address of this account (public data).
    • to use the private key of this account (very sensitive date : your code MUST not disclose it). For example, to connect an existing account to testnet, with a private key stored in .env non archived file :
    import * as dotenv from "dotenv"; dotenv.config(); // intialize provider const provider = new Provider({ sequencer: { baseUrl:"goerli-alpha" } }); // initialize existing account const privateKey = process.env.OZ_NEW_ACCOUNT_PRIVKEY; const starkKeyPair = ec.getKeyPair(privateKey); const accountAddress = "0x051158d244c7636dde39ec822873b29e6c9a758c6a9812d005b6287564908667"; const account = new Account(provider, accountAddress, starkKeyPair);



    23 days ago

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