5 months ago
In writing my Cairo program I have the following code:
currNumber is a storage variable:
func currNumber() -> (res : felt):
And we have code that calls this value and uses the currNum in a subsequent function:
let currNum =
let (res) = findSumDigits(currNum, 0)
And I am getting the following error:
Expected expression of type 'felt', got '(res : felt)'.
let (res) = findSumDigits(currNum, 0)
ㅤ This question was originally posted on Triality
You need to make sure you take the return values from functions as tuples, otherwise you will get that error.
Just change your code to
let (currNum) =
let (res) = findSumDigits(currNum, 0)
and that will solve your issue
ㅤ This answer was originally posted on Triality
6 months ago
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