4 months ago
I have a switch statment where I need to set two distinct, values so thought I would use a tuple or a struct but I keep getting:
For a struct
Expected a 'felt' or a pointer type. Got:<TYPE PATH>
For a tuple
Expected a 'felt' or a pointer type. Got:(felt,felt)
This is with the unset tempvar being declared before the branching, and being set in each of the paths.
This question was originally posted on StarkNet Discord
4 months ago
Accepted answer
you're not assigning a value to the tempvar before the switch. Not sure how to handle this case.
Try this :
if (card_rate.card_rate_1.rarity == 1) { assert rate_model = card_rate.card_rate_1; } else { assert rate_model = card_rate.card_rate_2; }
It should be similar to your use case, only difference is the use of assert before assigning the value to the tempvar
This answer was originally posted on StarkNet Discord
4 months ago
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